AfterTim is a poet and my guest blogger from Malaysia. My previous experience with Malaysian guests was a time of learning. A couple of years ago, I invited some Malaysian students to celebrate Christmas with us. I thought I should make them a Malaysian meal, so I spent hours scouring the internet for Malaysian foods that I could make. I finally settled on one dish. When they arrived for dinner, I discovered that every one of them was of Chinese ethnicity and they all preferred Chinese food to Malay. Chinese food is easy for me; I have cooked it for years. I learned my lesson that day. Most free counties contain various ethnicities, and I should ask about food preferences before trying something new.
For sale: one gently used Sayur Lodeh recipe which I will never cook again.
AfterTim shares his poetry with some old English words no longer in our vocabulary. Poetry is always best read aloud, so hear his voice speak through his sounds and pictures below.

(Picture taken in Kalimantan, Indonesia)
As I type this short post, I am reminded of my past ventures to various rural areas around the world to share of His Love, places of which the internet—or the intangible world without boundaries—is no more than a wishful wonderment. I stagger at how we share one earth with those people, yet remain worlds apart. A wealthy man I am not; yet, in the light of them who struggle even for basic necessities, my little seems an inexhaustible abundance. For this I am eternally humbled for the abundance I have been bestowed from Above, and also for this privilege to be sharing my heart with all of you here on Diana's page. May God bless you, as you continue to bless others with all that you have been blessed with.
Too much of this world's wealth
Lay in my hands
So curse be upon me
Were I to linger and not amend.
Meek morning, bring thy wake!
Errant evening, my guilt you shan't take!
Lest I be found wanting in my despair,
Lest I be denied at the Gates of Fair.
Imagine....I shan't dare.
AfterTim—an engineer by profession—finds himself constantly expressing his thoughts on life through poetry and creative writings. He believes that anyone who is able to read these words is wealthy beyond measure, and it is our divine responsibility to do everything within our means to share this abundance with those who are far less fortunate. Journey with him at, where he expresses his thoughts uninhibitedly.
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